Sharing Intervention Space
learning together from and with each other
This virtual space will be a safe space where we can respectfully learn with and from each other. The main point is to test how we can implement creative (art, theater, music) therapeutic interventions in an online setting.
SIS Sharing Intervention Space
You are looking to bring more creativity to your online praxis? You are an Art Therapist working offline but looking to go online, wondering how to get started? How does Art Therapies or creative methods work in an online setting? Which apps, tools and gadgets are helpful and easy to use? How can I prepare my clients for a creative meeting? These are just some questions we seek to find answers in our Sharing Intervention Space. We are doing this together as a group, where everyone learns from everyone. Our aim is to encourage one another and find out about potentials and resources of creative online praxis together.
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