Vision Vessel

personal coaching towards your individual goals

Vision Vessel Philosophy

A vision vessel is a vehicle or vessel that helps you to realize your visions.It can move you forward. You can draw from it. When making Art you are a creator of your works and thus have easier access to your feelings, ideas and visions. In reflection we can look for steps which will bring you closer to your goal. I will take the role of the vision vessel as well as the sun that donates energy. Or we imagine driving together on the vessel and I will show you how to steer it.

Jump on to my vision vessel and let me help you find your resources and strengths. Let us sail the sea of life.

Feel your life is changing out of your control? Facing a challenge?  Move to a new apartment or even city, start a new project, go back to study again or for the first time. Feeling physical changes… 
You feel stuck in life. You may have a vision, a dream but no energy to start?
Times of transition are challenging. 
Finding out what is good for one, what do I want from life, what do I expect…
I work with creative methods to help you to find out more about your values and resources. Come onto my vision vessel, and 
we search for the best waters for you. 

Would you like to work with me?

Have any questions?

Please get in touch…